Tax Exempt Bond Services
Arbitrage Tax Exempt Bond Services P.A. has experience in the preparation and review of arbitrage rebate and yield restriction calculations.
Escrow Verification Reports
Arbitrage Tax Exempt Bond Services P.A. provides escrow verification services to our arbitrage rebate clients. The verification typically includes verification of the sufficiency of escrow cashflows to fund debt service requirements of the refunded issue, verification of the yield on the bonds, and verification of the yield(s) on any yield restricted escrow funds.
Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation Services
Arbitrage Tax Exempt Bond Services P.A. offers bookkeeping, payroll, and tax preparation services.
Since 1993
Why Choose ATEBS?
Arbitrage Tax Exempt Bond Services P.A. focuses specifically on arbitrage rebate. Our firm has the specific expertise and experience needed to ensure regulatory compliance with Section 148 of the Tax Code and the Regulations. We are devoted to assisting state and local governments in addressing the ever changing and evolving arbitrage rules and regulations. We work with issuers of every size.
We customize our service to fit your needs. Our customer service is unparalleled and our fees are very competitive. We offer a quick turnaround on our services. We are small enough to remain responsive to questions and to establish close relationships. Our professionals are always available.

Next Step...Request a quote for your tax-exempt bond issue.
Please fill out the quote form and include your e-mail address and contact information. A comprehensive fee and service proposal will be forwarded promptly.